Kira Dawn
1 min readJun 4, 2020


Amy I have to thank you and tell you how grateful I am to have ditto as a friend! I have trouble trusting women. Preet and yourself Amy both are honest to a fault. I like that you don’t just agree with my way of thinking of spirituality. You are finding that soul again. It’s a beautiful thing! What I don’t think you realize is that most people agree with something just to be a people pleaser. They don’t want to hurt somebody else’s feelings. We can’t help each other of we are not true to who we are. Thank you always Amy. Love ya girl!


Kira Dawn aka The Gorgeous Mess



Kira Dawn

Lyrical Prose molds my soul. Journey that led me to the Gorgeous Mess of Chaos that you see. One with God. I am merely a vessel. I am authentically me. Broken.